借我一束光 | 如何把你的耳机拍好看: Give me a Ray of Light | Imaging your earphones

借我一束光 | 如何把你的耳机拍好看
Let me Borrow a Ray of Light | Imaging your earphones

The following is an article by our Chinese colleague, Xiaoyuan. I've left the original text in so chinese readers can experience the article in its original form! - Ash

摄影是用光的艺术。拍出令人欣喜的照片,最佳捷径就是去“借一束光”。PROJECT M拍出晶莹、剔透的好照片关键就在于此。

Photography is an art form that makes use of light: In fact one of the best shortcuts to get a photo that’s a joy to look at is to “borrow a ray of light”. Something that’s key in imaging the transparent, crystalline project M.

Outdoor photography

出门在外太阳作为最大的光源,运用得好就能出片。而“借”光的关键是“一束”的运用。树荫婆娑的场景拍PROJECT M最为合适。光线通过树荫遮挡落在物体上往往柔和舒适,环境因为反射光拥有一定亮度让PROJECT M融入环境之中。

When we’re outdoors, the sun serves as the largest source of light, turning out some brilliant images as it's used well. As we return to the concept of “borrowing light” we’ll find that its important to try to use a single way of light.

Sheltered, foilage-heavy areas are good for photgraphing the Project M. When light that filters through leaves hits the Project M, it’s a gentle, comforting look that helps the Project M integrate itself into the surrounding area.

往往需要小束光,PROJECT M就变透亮了

在网红小店,PROJECT M适合在窗口拍摄。室内灯光作为环境光,太阳通过窗外玻璃的折射将腔体照亮。

In cafes and restaurants, the Project M does great when photographed in front of a window with indoor lighting serving as environmental light and sunlight serving as a primary light source for the M's chassis.

在环境选择上也要避免去拥有大量暖光源的室内来为PROJECT M拍照,有时会出现不够透亮的情况,达不到出片的效果。

Try not to photograph the project M in warmly-lit environments, this affects the transparency of the chassis and the eventual result.

Lighting Tips

使用人造光源是拍摄耳机非常有趣的环节。在不断尝试为PROJECT M布光中总结了几个非常有用的小技巧:

Using man-made lighting is one of the most interesting parts of photographing a pair of earphones. After a lot of experimentation, I’ve came up with a few, small lighting tips.

1,当柔光灯作为环境光时,一定要为PROJECT M单独补光,来凸显其透亮,晶莹的质感。

1, In a dimly, softly lit environment, the Project M should be lit separately and individually, this helps it stand out from the rest of the composition and goes a long way in showing off the transparency of the earphones

2,PROJECT M的单独补光灯放置在腔体的侧后补光最为合适。

2, The Project M’s individual lighting should ideally be positioned diagonally behind the earphone’s chassis

3,不要用暖光源!透明物体在照片中主要是蓝色信息,黄与蓝是一对互补色,控制不好就会让PROJECT M在照片里灰灰的。

3, Do not use warm lighting! Transparent items generally present as cool colours in photos, as yellow and blue are contrasting colours, warm lighting can wash out the Project M and make the colours present as grey.

4,同理也不要用黄色木制桌面拍PROJECT M。

4, Similarly, do not use yellowish wooden surfaces in photographing the Project M.

通过这些拍摄技巧的分享,希望大家都能拍出更好的照片,将PROJECT M的魅力记录下来。这里的许多技巧对于其他耳机也一样适用哦。

Through sharing these little photography tips, I hope I’ll be able to help everyone take better images of your transparent earphones!